sâmbătă, 16 august 2008
Update 16 August Music New House
Welcome To The Future (2008)
hu381b3laf5uwi73pv1d.jpg Johnny D - Walkman
2000 And One - Work (Late Night NYC Edit)
Boris Werner & Lauhaus - Revenge Of The Nerds
Matthias Tanzmann - Hotel Sapporo
Mountain People DJs - Mountain005.2
Kabale Und Lauhaus - Makake
Kabale Und Liebe & Daniel Sanchez - Mumbling Yeah (Edit)
Lauhaus Et Chaptal - Freedom Fries
Argy - Love Dose (Luciano Remix)
Bart Skils & Anton Pieete - The Running Man (Adam Beyer Remix)
Gimikk - Poppop
Michel De Hey vs. Grooveyard - Compound (M.I.R.K.O. Remix)
William Kouam Djoko - Sorry To You Too
Dave Ellesmere - Today, Tomorrow And Yesterday
Steve Rachmad - A Fabla
Quince - New Era
Update 16 August
Saturday Night Clubbing Essentials Vol.1 (2008)
Novy Vs. Snap - Rhythm is A Dancer 2008 (Novyradio Cut)
Luetzenkirchen - Paperboy
Klaas - Feel the Love (Klaas Vocoder Mix)
Mischa Daniels Feat. Tash - Round and Round (Tom Novy and Jerome Isma-Ae
Soul Buddha - Realize (Air Bureau Remix)
Patric La Funk - Fiesta
Alex Romano - Save A Prayer (Houseshaker Remix)
DJ Disciple Feat. Dawn Tallman - Work it Out (Ruff and Tort Meets DJ Disciple Remix)
Basstoy Feat. Dana Devine - Turn it Up (Mischa Daniels Remix)
Novy and Jerome Isma-Ae Vs. Transform - Transformation (Inkfish Remix)
Jf Presents Smokecream - Retox (Houseshaker Dub Mix)
ALP Vs Outwork - Fiesta Elektronica (Paolo Aliberti Reprise Mix)
Ercola Feat. Daniella - Every Word (Ercola Vocal Mix)
Dobenbeck - Please Dont Go (Chris Reece Mix)
Orli and Martie - White Flower (Jerome Isma-Ea Remix)
Sans Souci - CMYK (Original Mix)
Player and Remady - Get Down
Kurd Maverick and Tapesh Feat. Terri B. - Rise
Chriss Ortega Feat. Chandler Pereira - Seperated (Josh the Funk 1 and Jewelz Remix)
Kazim Aprendiz - Strange Illusions
Melih Ask - Over You (Fruitroom Remix)
Julian Royal - Powered
Mind X - Sensation Seekers (Martin Roth Nystyle Remix)
Kono - Micro Love
Update 11 August
Dj Stephano - Hot Summer Promo August Mix
Update 10 August
Ha-Ash - Habitacion Doble (2008)
Hasta que llegaste tu
No te quiero
Lo que yo se de ti
Vamos a llamarlo amor
Already home
Tu y yo volvemos al amor
A media luz
Esta mujer
Malas costumbres
Aunque no estes aqui
Update 7 August
Total Dance 2008 Vol.2 (2008)
Katy Perry - I Kissed A Girl (Nevins Rock Funkrokr Extended Mix)
Danity Kane - Damaged (Global Factory Club Remix)
Britney Spears - Piece Of Me (Bimbo Jones Remix)
Sean Kingston - Take You There
Flo Rida Feat. Timbaland - Elevator
Missy Elliott - Shake Your Pom Pom
Chris Brown Feat. T-Pain - Kiss Kiss
Tyga Feat. Travis McCoy - Coconut Juice
Fergie Feat. Soulja Boy Tell 'Em - Clumsy (Collipark Remix)
Kylie Minogue Feat. Mims - All I See
Estelle - American Boy (Soul Seekerz Club Mix)
Supafly Inc. - Be Together
Robyn - Handle Me (Soul Seekerz Extended Mix)
Cascada - What Do You Want From Me (K-Klass Classic Mix)
Natasha Bedingfield - Love Like This (Johnny Vicious Mix)
Kanye West - Stronger (Andrew Dawson Remix)
Iron Man New Movie !
Iron Man will be released on DVD/Blu-ray next month, and one of the deleted scenes has been released via Access Hollywood. The three-and-a-half minute sequence shows what happens when Tony Stark wants to throw a last minute party at his house in Dubai. This sequence gives an answer to a plot hole some had, because Stark can’t fly from California to the Middle East in the suit, as it would be technologically impossible. There is also a cameo from Ghostface Killah. For those who don’t know, the members of Wu Tang are supposedly big comic book fans, and one of Ghostface Killah’s aliases is “Iron Man” and sometimes “Tony Stark”. The scene also provides Stark with an alibi for his work in the Middle East incident. Essentially, this is the yacht scene from The Dark Knight, but not done as well. But at the end of the day, like most deleted scenes, you can easily see why it was cut.
Batman’s New Batmobile
The cost of gas in Gotham City has reached an all time high. Batman has asked Lucious Fox to downsize the Batmobile so the fighting crime won’t cost so much.
New Photos From Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Warner Bros has sent us five new high res photos from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which appeared in this week’s issue of Entertainment Weekly. We have also included four more photos, standard resolution, thanks to our friends at Blogwarts. Check them out after the jump.
Guţă: «N-o cunosc pe Magda lu’ Tolea»
Concertele de pe Litoral, pe care Magda le anunţa cu surle şi trâmbiţe, s-au dovedit a fi apă de ploaie. Iată că vara se apropie de final, iar fosta soţie a lui Anatolie Ciumac nu s-a dezlipit de OTV, darămite să mai şi apară pe scenă. Mai mult, “partenerul ei de scenă”, Nicolae Guţă, a negat vehement şi a demascat strategia de marketing a Magdei.
În urmă cu două săptămâni, Magda Ciumac anunţa fericită că va susţine concerte pe Litoral în compania lui Nicolae Guţă.
“Regele manelelor” e însă de o cu totul altă părere: “Casa de discuri de care aparţin, Ama, mi-a propus această colaborare. Eu, personal, nici nu o cunosc, decât din emisiunile lui Dan Diaconescu. Piesa "Sunt sclava inimii mele" am înregistrat-o separat, videoclipul de asemenea, iar cântări nu am avut împreună deoarece sunt foarte ocupat şi nu am timpul necesar”, a declarat Nicolae Guţă pentru Click!, contrazicând astfel afirmaţiile Magdei.
Au înregistrat maneaua separat
Întrebat dacă o vede pe Magda lu’ Tolea ca pe noua stea a muzicii de petrecere, Nicolae Guţă a răspuns într-un mod cât se poate de elegant că nu e impresionat de prestaţia acesteia:
“Sincer, nu o văd pe scenă, dar în ziua de azi e loc pentru toată lumea. Şi pentru oamenii lipsiţi de talent şi lipsiţi de voce. Orice este posibil”, ne-a mărturisit manelistul. Până la această colaborare, Magda lu’ Tolea a apelat la ajutorul mai multor case de discuri, dar nici una nu şi-a asumat riscul de a o impresaria.
Casa “Ama” se pare că a acceptat propunerea doamnei Ciumac datorită mediatizarii ei în “cazul Elodia”: “Casa de discuri de care aparţin a propus această colaborare cu Magda lui Tolea datorită ratingului pe care îl face la OTV”, mai adaugă Guţă.
Magda lui Tolea a devenit vedeta incontes-tabilă a postului OTV după ce şi-a acuzat soţul că este implicat alături de Cristian Cioacă în dispariţia avocatei Elodia Ghinescu.
Ulterior aceasta s-a răzgândit şi a devenit “avocatul” poliţistului bănuit că şi-a omorât soţia. Profitând de atenţia care i s-a acordat, Magda a încercat să îşi îndeplinească visul de-o viaţă: acela de a deveni cântăreaţă de manele.
Iată ce a spus Magda
În urmă cu două săptămâni, Click! v-a prezentat intenţiile Magdei de a concerta pe Litoralul românesc. La vremea respectivă, Magda Ciumac spunea că va urca pe scenă alături de Nicolae Guţă. Vedeta OTV a scos şi o piesă împreună cu celebrul manelist, însă înregistrările au fost făcute separat. Cei doi au apărut împreună pe coperta unui album de manele.
Puya luptator K1
s-a intamplat si la Gala "Stike Fight", desfasurata la Mamaia. Imediat dupa acesta demonstratie, ne-am propus sa plecam intr-un mic tur al Romaniei, iar ultima oprire sa fie la Oradea, acasa la Sandu", ne-a declarat Puya.
Concediul hip-hop-erului a fost, insa, amanat din cauza Festivalului de la Callatis unde acesta a cantat doua piese. Prima, alaturi de Keo si Laura de la Wassabi, iar cea de-a doua... singur. Pe scena de la Mangalia lipsa lui Sisu, cel de-al doilea component al trupei La familia a fost remarcata imediat si, desi nu a vrut sa comenteze, Puya a declarat ca a fost o pura intamplare, o decizie a organizatorilor.
vineri, 15 august 2008
Body proves Bigfoot no myth, hunters say
A policeman and a former corrections officer say that on Friday they will unveil evidence of what they claim is their biggest find ever: the body of Bigfoot.
Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer, a pair of Bigfoot-hunting hobbyists from north Georgia, say they found the creature's body in a wooded area and spotted several similar creatures that were still alive.
The carcass of the furry half-man, half-ape is 7 feet, 7 inches tall and weighs more than 500 pounds, they say. However, the two are not disclosing the exact location of their discovery to protect the remaining creatures.
Tom Nelson, chairman of the biology department at North Georgia College and State University in Dahlonega, said he's "pretty skeptical" the world will feast its eyes on a new species Friday.
"That would certainly rock mammalogy," joked Nelson, who specializes in the study of mammals. "I see a research grant in my future."
Whitton and Dyer plan to unveil what they say is DNA and photo evidence of the discovery in Palo Alto, California, in conjunction with a group called Searching for Bigfoot Inc.
A photograph on that group's Web site shows what appears to be the body of a large, hairy creature with an ape-like face, stuffed into a large freezer.
According to a written release, the two announced the discovery on an Internet radio show, "Squatch Detective," several weeks ago. iReport.com: Do you believe in Bigfoot?
"The only person we would allow to come down and verify the body was 'the Real Bigfoot Hunter,' Tom Biscardi," Dyer said, referring to Searching for Bigfoot's CEO, who has been looking for the elusive, legendary creature in the United States and Canada since 1971.
Whitton is a Georgia police officer who is on administrative leave after being shot in the wrist during a pursuit. Dyer is a former prison guard.
DNA tests on the body have begun, said the statement, and "extensive scientific studies" will be done on the body by scientists, including a molecular biologist, an anthropologist and a paleontologist.
Nelson, the university professor, acknowledged that new species of animals have been discovered in recent decades and that, in science, "we always acknowledge the possibility of something new."
But he said that even in north Georgia, home to the Blue Ridge Mountains and the foot of the Appalachian Trail, it stretches the imagination to think a family of 7-foot-tall creatures could have eluded hunters, hikers and creeping development until now.
"To the average person, these places just seem like extreme wilderness where you'll find lions and tigers and bears," he said. "The reality is that you're never more than a mile from a road."
U.S. women gymnasts win gold, silver
U.S. women gymnasts win gold, silver
Liukin edged teammate Shawn Johnson for the all-around gold in women's gymnastics Friday in an intense matchup that lived up to its billing at the Beijing Games. Liukin finished with 63.325 points, a mere six-tenths ahead of Johnson, the reigning world champion who beat Liukin at the U.S. championships and Olympic trials only a few weeks ago.
Yang Yilin of China won the bronze.
"I don't think it's really set in, but I feel like this journey has been so long," Liukin said.
Made even longer by having to wait for Johnson to follow her on the floor exercise.
Liukin paced back and forth while Johnson, the final competitor, completed her performance, clapping as her teammate floated high in the air. In the end, it was Liukin who soared. When Johnson's score was posted and Liukin realized she won, tears filled her eyes. Her father and coach Valeri grabbed her in a bearhug, squeezing her tight for several minutes.
Valeri Liukin was a double gold medalist for the Soviet Union 20 years ago, but came up achingly short in a rivalry with his own teammate in the all-around.
There would be no such disappointment for his only child.
"It's not possible to describe how proud I am," he said afterward.
Liukin wore a smile that lit up her face as she climbed atop the medals podium and waved to the crowd. She blinked back tears as the gold medal was placed around her neck, but let them flow when the U.S. anthem began to play.
"Standing on the podium and hearing `Olympic champion' next to my name was a dream come true," Liukin said. "Everything pays off at this very moment."
For China, it was the first view from anywhere but the gold-medal step. The Chinese won both the men's and women's team titles, and Yang Wei ran away with the men's all-around gold on Thursday.
But this was no surprise. Johnson and Liukin have been the world's two best gymnasts for two years now, and most expected the teammates would be each other's biggest competition. Johnson came in with all the momentum, winning every matchup with Liukin but one in the last few years.
It was Liukin's grace under pressure, though, that made the difference. It had to, with everything coming down to the very last event, and the last two performers.
"I gave my heart and soul out there today," Johnson said. "Nastia deserved the gold."
Long and lean, Liukin has the elegance and classic lines of her mother, a former world champion in rhythmic gymnastics. While other gymnasts tumble on the floor, their music little more than background noise, Liukin puts on a polished performance. Every wave of her arm and brush of her fingertips oozes emotion, making it easy to forget how tough those tricks in her program really are.
Valeri Liukin stood on the sidelines, pacing back and forth, barely able to watch his daughter, who flashed a big smile for the cameras after her final tumbling run.
Her score of 15.525 put her in first place, and left Johnson with a huge gap to close. It was possible she could do it. Johnson is the reigning world champion on floor, a bundle of perkiness and power. She managed such great height on her opening pass she could have dusted off a light fixture or two, yet she landed as easily and confidently as if she was stepping off a curb. Her smile grew brighter with each second, and even Liukin was anxiously clapping as she watched. Johnson was thrilled when she finished, almost running off the podium.
It was a great routine, no question. It just wasn't good enough for gold.
"I just knew that I had to give the routine of my life," Johnson said. "I was pretty far behind, but I couldn't control that. I gave a great meet today. That was probably my favorite moment, finishing on floor, because I knew I had given it my all and I couldn't change anything."
When the final mark flashed, Johnson smiled and immediately went to congratulate her teammate. Much has been made of their rivalry, with most people assuming there's no way they can be friends. But they truly are, even rooming together at these games.
Liukin is the second straight American to win the all-around crown, succeeding training partner Carly Patterson as gymnastics' greatest champion.
Liukin is the closest thing gymnastics has to royalty, her genes practically guaranteed to produce gold. If her parents had their way, she would be a pianist or anything but a gymnast. But Liukin had her own ideas, and her parents eventually relented.
"It's a feeling I don't think any father can describe," Valeri Liukin said. "I'm very proud of my baby."
"Just to know that he was so close to (the all-around gold) and didn't quite achieve it," his daughter said. "And I hope, you know, I cleared away any of those bad little memories for him. I hope that this definitely tops it. I have a few more to go, but it is an amazing accomplishment just to be here with him, out on the floor 20 years after he competed. I think it just means so much more to both of us. I don't know, just all the hard work paying off. All the injuries, tears, blood, rips -- everything."
She would have been a favorite for gold four years ago but she was too young, and she was immediately anointed as the front-runner for Beijing. But an ankle injury before the 2006 world championships hobbled her for almost a year, right about the time the younger Johnson was beginning to make her grand splash.
Once everybody's darling, Liukin learned how quickly everything can turn. When she struggled at the 2007 national championships and again in the all-around at the world championships, the criticism was fierce. She was washed up, some said. She should give up on the all-around, others said, concentrate on uneven bars and balance beam.
The harshness stung, though Liukin smiled and tried not to let on. She would let her performances speak for her.
Though the gold wasn't decided until the final routine, it was on uneven bars that Liukin made her mark.
She has one of the most difficult routines in the world, filled with intricate moves that are linked together to make them even harder. But her grace and style make it look easy. When she pirouettes on the high bar, turning her body all the way around not once, not twice but three times, she looks just like a jewelry box ballerina.
And when she moves from high bar to low, she seems to float, suspended in the air.
Her only flaw was a big hop forward on her landing, but it was minor and her score of 16.65 moved her into second place behind Yang.
Though Johnson is rock solid on beam, Liukin is simply breathtaking. From the moment she puts her fingertips onto the beam and presses herself up into the splits, her long legs unfurling like the petals of a flower, every movement is performance art.
In one front somersault she lands without ever putting one of her feet on the beam, brushing it back until her leg is fully extended behind her. It's incredibly difficult -- few other people even try it -- yet she does it as easily as a cartwheel.
Liukin knew she'd done well, smiling and blowing out her breath after she climbed down from the podium. When she saw her mark -- a 16.125 that moved her into first place -- she nodded as if to say, "OK, one more to go."
Now there's nothing left to do, nothing left to prove. Her gold medal says it all.
And she could have a few more before it's done. Liukin will compete on the uneven bars, balance beam and floor event finals, hoping to catch her father's total of four medals.
Reporter împuşcat în direct în Georgia NEW !!
Reporter împuşcat în direct în Georgia
Tamara Urushadze, corespondent al televiziunii de stat georgiene, a fost împuşcată în direct, în timp ce îşi făcea meseria.
După un moment de uluială, cameramanul a ajutat-o să se retragă după maşina cu care să deplasau, Urushadze primind primul ajutor de la producătorul tv, care se afla în apropiere.
După ce a fost bandajată, reporterul şi-a reluat transmisia în direct, explicând telespectatorilor că a fost împuşcată.
“Am fost lovită de un glonţ. Puteţi vedea unde sunt rănită. Cel mai probabil a fost un sniper. Cred că este vorba de o armă uşoară de vreme ce am o rană mică”, a spus ea.
“Nu mai pot spune nimic altceva deoarece nu a fost văzut nimeni în zonă şi nu ştiu cine a tras în mine”, a încheiat Urushadze.
Întâmplarea s-a petrecut în apropierea oraşului Gori, care a fost în ultimele zile teatru de război în conflictul dintre forţele georgiene şi cele ruseşti.
Andrei Gheorghe Se chinuie cu o casa veche !
Andreea Antonescu, dereglata inainte de Callatis
Andreea Antonescu a facut, pare-se, o adevarata fixatie pentru America, programandu-si de cativa ani buni vacantele numai peste Ocean. Pentru a incerca sa isi lamureasca obsesiile si in fata familiei, blonda a decis sa ii duca pe toti cei dragi in Statele Unite ca sa se convinga pe pielea lor ca destinatia merita intr-adevar rutina anuala a concediului.
Astfel, cantareata a petrecut zece zile la New York, Las Vegas si Los Angeles impreuna cu iubitul ei, Traian, cu mama si cu fratele ei, care au vazut pentru prima data America. La intoarcere, insa, vedeta s-a vazut nevoita, ca de fiecare data de altfel, sa treaca printr-un program de readaptare la fusul orar. Numai ca acum, lucrurile sunt putin mai complicate, ea fiind obligata sa isi revina cu somnul contracronometru, pentru ca sambata va aparea pe scena la Callatis. "Andreea a venit marti seara, dar de atunci doarme toata ziua si se trezeste pe inserat. S-a dereglat complet cu programul dupa vacanta din America, dar trebuie sa isi revina ca nu mai are decat doua zile la dispozitie", ne-a declarat o sursa din anturajul ei.
A mancat cu indienii la canion
Spre deosebire de vacantele trecute, blonda nu a petrecut prea mult timp la cumparaturi, fiind prima oara cand se intoarce practic cu mana goala de peste Ocean. Andreea nu a avut timp sa umble prin magazine, din cauza turului incarcat pe care chiar ea l-a gandit. Dornica sa arate familiei si iubitului toate minunatiile Americii, ea i-a dus la New York, apoi in Las Vegas, au facut o vizita de o zi la Marele Canion unde au mancat impreuna cu indienii din rezervatie, si apoi au plecat spre Los Angeles. "Nici macar la Disneyland nu au avut timp sa stea prea mult ca nu le permitea timpul. Andreea a vrut sa stea mai mult, dar trebuia sa vina la Festivalul de la Callatis. Oricum, e prima oara cand sta atat de putin", ne-a marturisit un apropiat al vedetei.
Madagascar 3 and Kung Fu Panda 2 film Nou !
DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg says that the computer animation studio is in talks for a Kung Fu Panda sequel, and plans to have at least one more Madagascar film, if not more. Katzenberg told reporters on Wednesday that they are currently having conversations about a possible Kung Fu Panda 2, and to expect an announcement in the next 30 to 60 days.
Panda was one of the last DreamWorks Animated films that will be released in 2D, but the studio did some 3D tests with sequences from the film in preparation of the company’s three dimensional future. Katzenberg told /Film a couple weeks back that directors John Stevenson and Mark Osbourne were so impressed with the tests, that they had very early discussions about the possibility of re-releasing the film in 3D. But who knows if that would still be a possibility with the release of a 3D sequel.
Katzenberg also said that Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa will probably spawn a sequel: “There is at least one more chapter. We ultimately want to see the characters make it back to New York.” But does anyone really care about a third Madagascar film? While I certainly understand the New York return story being a neat third act of the series, I’d much rather see a spin-off following the adventures of the penguins.
Fan Created Dark Knight Sequel Movie Poster
/Film readers Max B and David B have sent over this fan made poster for a possible sequel to The Dark Knight. Seems like the artist, like most everyone I have talked to, wants The Riddler to attack Gotham City in the next film. But yes, it is just a fan creation (If the question mark didn’t give it away). But the rest of the poster is well done. I doubt they would use the title The Dark Knight Returns unless it was an adaptation of the Frank Miller graphic novel. I have heard that the next film might employ the cape crusader’s on screen nickname “The Batman” in the title. “The Return of The Batman” anyone? Click on the image below to enlarge.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Moved to Summer 2009
Warner Bros has just announced that they are moving Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince from November 21st 2008, back to July 17th 2009. The reasons given are that the summer season is a more ideal window for for a family tent pole release, and that the writers strike left a big gap in the Summer calendar. I’m not quite sure if I buy the first reason. The three Potter films released in November averaged $916 million worldwide, while the two summer releases averaged $866 million worldwide, which is about a $50 million difference.
It’s also worth noting that ICE Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs opens two weeks earlier, Ronald Emmerich’s sci-fi disaster movie 2012 opens the week before, and Land of the Lost opens on the same day as the new date. The november release had virtually no competition until a month later when Twilight hit theaters on December 12th. The good news is that the release date change will not alter the production schedule for the future Harry Potter films, and the move will shorten the gap in-between.
Kick-Ass New Movie
Kick-Ass Casting Begins
Posted on Thursday, August 14th, 2008 at 10:34 pm by: Peter Sciretta
Christopher Mintz-Plasse (McLovin from Superbad) is in negotiations and Chloe Moretz (Dirty Sexy Money) has been cast in Mathew Vaughn’s big screen adaptation of Mark Millar’s comic book Kick-Ass.
Based on the creator-owned comic from Marvel’s Icon imprint, the story follows a a 15-year-old boy named Dave Lizewski who attempts to become a real-life superhero. The catch is that he has no powers or any of the stereotypical reasons for choosing to fight crime. The screenplay was written by the Stardust team of Jane Goldman and Matthew Vaughn. The violent nature of the source material and obvious issues with the useage of the title in marketing has caused Hollywood studios to pass on the project. Some studios showed interest but wanted Vaughn to either tone down the violence or raise the age of the lead character. Vaughn believed in the project so much that he raised $30 million from private investors to produce the project independently.
Mintz-Plasse is not in line for the lead role, but instead that of the Red Mist, an angry teenage son of a mobster who is out to uncover Kick-Ass’ true identity. Moretz’s character is described by THR as “a ferocious, potty-mouthed 11-year-old who chops down crime thugs with a ninja sword.” Vaughn is also talking to “several high-profile stars” to play the parents or mobsters. The main character, Dave Lizewski, has not yet been cast. Vaughn hopes to begin production in the fall.
Jay Baruchel New Movie !
Welcome to another edition of Movie Playlist, where we talk to the writers, directors, and stars about their favorite films. I’ve always found the celebrity playlists on iTunes to be interesting. Most everyone in the film business moved to Hollywood after discovering their love of films. And I’ve always love talking to people about their favorite films. So talking to the people who make the movies about their favorite films just seemed like a natural idea.
Jay Baruchel was relatively new to American audiences before his debut as the star of the critically acclaimed FOX-TV series Undeclared. The Canadian-born actor has since appeared in a number of feature films, including The Rules of Attraction, Almost Famous, Million Dollar Baby,and Fanboys. Baruchel reunited with Undeclared creator Judd Apatow last summer in Universal Pictures’ smash hit Knocked Up. You can see him in theaters now as Kevin Sandusky in Tropic Thunder. /Film’s David Chen conducted this interview.
Jay Baruchel: “There is sort of a repertoire that I will — once a year I will have to watch each one of them. I’ll say that Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. I can watch that movie anytime. It’s pretty much the prefect comedy and it’s kind of an amazing movie plot wise because it doesn’t follow the sort of usual quintessential Joseph Campbell story. It’s not about a guy that learns anything over a journey and becomes a different person. Ferris is the same son of a bitch the whole movie, he just effects change wherever he is and really the stakes are really never all that high and he’s happy the whole time. And the fact that they pulled that off and it is as funny as it is and as cool as it is, it just amazing.”
“A Japanese film called Battle Royale is one of my favorites and that’s like a John Hughes movie on crystal meth. Like to me Battle Royale there is not greater meditation on Teen X than that movie. That is the greatest coming of age movie I’ve ever seen.”
joi, 14 august 2008
Bibliografi tot ce vrei .. actori cantareti poeti razboinici eroi
Animale Dragute Pretty animals Sweet Cats Nice Dog Animale Dragute Funny bunny Rase !

Va plac pisicutele? Ajutati-le sa isi gaseasca un stapan





Topul celor 10 animale rare in lume!
S1.Broasca Testoasa din Insula Pinta. Fara nici un dubiu ,aceasta testoasa este una dintre putinele specii de Urias (Giant) Galapagos.Aceasta broasca testoasa este o specie rara deoarece exista un singur exemplar in viata.Uriasa testoasa a fost anuntata specie disparuta pana in 1971,cand singurul supravietuitor al acestei specii a fost descoperit de catre Rangeri.
Charles Darwin Research Station a fost în căutarea unei femele tortoise, chiar postand o recompensa de 10000 $ pentru a găsiuna.
2.Baiji (Yangtze River Dolphin)-China
Yangtze Dolphinthe dolphin este unul din cele mai rare mamifere.Ea a fost determinată de dispariţie, datorită activităţii în 50 de ani, aceasta fiind cea de-a patra oară când o întreaga linie de evoluţie a vanished Motivul principal pentru acest fapt sunt numeroase baraje si diguri, ridicate ,incepand cu anii 1930, care au fragmentat populaţia şi a redus suma de habitate disponibile. Există stiri că specia nu a dispărut,este pe cale de disparitie,experţii caută încă membrii ai acestei specii.
3.The Vancouver Island Marmot
Aceast marmota este de găsit doar în regiunile muntoase înalte din Vancouver Island, British Columbia, (Canada). În 1998, populaţia a ajuns la un timp redus de 75 de persoane. A fost initiat un program de creştere în captivitate. În captivitate, există aproximativ 90 Vancouver Island marmots în patru facilitati de creştere, în timp ce aproximativ 30 de membri a acestei specii trăiesc în mediul sălbatic din anul 2004. Principalul obiectiv este de a restabili o populatie de 400-600 capete Vancouver Island marmots în salbaticie . Anul 2005 a fost un an plin de succese, 150 de persoane în captivitate si peste 44 pui fatati.
4.Seychelles Sheath-tailed Bat
Specia a suferit o scădere dramatică a populaţiei în timpul târziu, la mijlocul secolului 20. Mai multe de cercetare trebuie făcut pentru a înţelege modul în care se comporta specia şi a ceea ce trebuie făcut pentru a le salva. Savantii cred că, cu o suma de eforturi grele, 500 persoane fizice pot fi suficiente pentru a garanta pe termen lung, persistenţa populaţiei.
Aceasta specie traieste in Insulele Seychelles,la nord de Madagascar,in in uriasii graniti de pe insule.
5.Javan Rhino-Aceast animal este una dintre speciile Rhinocer ,nu mai puţin de 60 de animale supravieţuitoare, în doar două locaţii cunoscute: una din Indonezia, precum şi celelalte în Vietnam. Deşi o dată larg răspândite în Asia, prin 1930 acesti Rhinoceros au fost aproape de extincţie, vânate in în Malaezia, India, Birmania şi Sumatra. A fost vanat pentru corn, care se crede ca are utilizari medicinale, şi a condus la stingerea speciei. Cu toate eforturile de conservare, Javan rhinoceros’ şansa de supravieţuire este mică: populaţia este redusă
6.Iepurele Hispid-- de asemenea, numit si ,,iepurele bristly” aceasta a fost înregistrată iepurele-a lungul foothills la sud de Himalaya,sau iepurele lanţ de munte, Nepal,, Bengal, Assam. Defrişările, cultivare, umane şi de decontare a avut cel mai mare impact negativ asupra speciilor, izolarea de iepurii din Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal şi Assam. Acest animalul a fost temeau dispărute în 1964, dar în 1966, unul a fost identificat. Au fost estimate 110 hispid hares la nivel mondial în 2001
7.Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat-Parosul de Nord-nasosul Wombat este una dintre rarele mamifere Australiene,in secolul al 19-lea specia a fost prezenta in New South Walles si Victoria,dar acuma poate fi gasita numai in micutul parc national,vecin cu Epping Forest Station in tropicala Queensland.Este o specie rara marsupiala Australiana.
8.Tamaraw (Dwarf Water Buffalo)-
Gasit in Insulele Mindoro in Filipine,numita si bovina filipineza.In anul 2000 a fost declarata specie cu risc .In anul 2002 statisticile aratau ca exista intre 30 si 200 de capete.Este interzisa capturarea sau omorarea acestor bovine.
9.Linxul Iberian-
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iunie 29, 2008 Scris de herculanekid | Animalute dragute, Ce facem in timpul liber?!, Intrebari de cultura generala, Pagina Istetilor, Photografii Haioase, Scola in alta tara, Stiri pentru Copiii | 1o, Animale, cale, de, disparitie, rare, top | No Comments
Elefantii in Norwich
400 de artisti au decorat elefanti,elefanti mai mici si elefanti mari au fost pictati in diferite culori si cu diferite motive!
In Norwich au fost amplasati 53 de elefanti pe diferite strazi,fiecare elefant este unic prin coloritul sau ! Acest link va da posibilitatea sa vedeti cei 53 de elefanti si locatiile unde pot fi vazuti si/sau fotografiati.Fiecarui elefant i-a fost atribuit un nume
Go Elephants!este un proiect care a dat posibilitatea tinerilor artisti de a crea ceva si de a fi mandrii de ceea ce au creat.Elefantii pot fi admirati pe strazile din Norwich incepand cu 23 Iunie pana la sfarsitul lunii August.
Elefantul meu preferat Pana azi ,eu am reusit sa vad doar trei elefanti.Cand voi lua vacanta poate voi reusi sa-i vad aproape pe toti!
iunie 28, 2008 Scris de herculanekid | Amuzante, Animalute dragute, Ce facem in timpul liber?!, Stiri pentru Copiii, Traditii in Anglia, Traind departe de casa | august, Elefanti, Elephants, Go, iunie, news, Norfolk, Norwich, stire | No Comments
Tasmanian devils being wiped out
Last Updated: Wednesday May 21 2008 11:49 GMT |
Tasmanian devils being wiped out | ||
Tasmanian devils are known for their fierce temper and vicious nature, but scientists say they could be wiped out within five years by a deadly disease. Since the 1990s, tens of thousands of the unusual creatures have been killed by cancerous growths on their faces. It’s thought the tumours are spread by the devils biting each other, and grow so big that they stop them from eating. Wild devils only live in the Australian state of Tasmania, where officials have now listed them as endangered animals. The Australian government says it is determined to do all it can to save the meat-eating marsupials from extinction. They have already moved some healthy groups of devils to other parts of Australia, where there’s been no sign of the Devil Facial Tumour Disease to keep them safe. From CBBC Newsround http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_7410000/newsid_7412300/7412394.stm |
mai 21, 2008 Scris de herculanekid | Animalute dragute, Ce facem in timpul liber?!, Scola in alta tara, Stiri pentru Copiii, Traind departe de casa | ca, Copiii, curiozitati, stiati, Stiri | No Comments
Dupa paste …
Ce ne facem cu iepurii dupa paste ;) s-au facut betivi :))
aprilie 3, 2008 Scris de herculanekid | Animalute dragute | | No Comments