marți, 21 aprilie 2009
Iat- o pe Miss SUA! 2009
Comisie pentru banii de la Salam
Ştefania Stoian, soţia de doar 27 de ani a manelistului Florin Salam, a murit in duminica Floriilor la Spitalul de Urgenţă Floreasca din Capitală, după o intervenţie chirurgicală complicată. Tânăra era bolnavă de mult timp. Medicii susţin că ciroza hepatică de care suferea i-a măcinat organismul şi a dus-o la moarte. În memoria ei, manelistul va organiza un superconcert, iar o parte din banii strânşi îi va dona, prin intermediul Libertăţii, unei tinere de aceeaşi vârstă şi care suferă de aceeaşi boală ca şi soţia sa. Pentru alegerea fetei care va primi banii, ziarul nostru a apelat la o comisie de specialişti, medici ai Clinicii Puls din Capitală.
De azi, ne puteţi trimite dosarele medicale
Ştefania era pe lista de aşteptare pentru un transplant de ficat, la Institutul Fundeni, dar, din păcate, s-a prăpădit înainte ca medicii să-i găsească un donator compatibil. Acum, soţul ei, Florin Salam, vrea să ajute o tânără să treacă mai uşor peste această boală groaznică. Alături de alţi manelişti celebri, el va organiza, pe 5 iulie, un superconcert în memoria Ştefaniei, iar fondurile obţinute din vânzarea biletelor vor fi împărţite în două: jumătate vor merge la Spitalul de Urgenţă Floreasca, acolo unde Ştefania a murit, iar jumătate la o tânără de aceeaşi vârstă şi care suferă de aceeaşi boală pe care a avut-o şi soţia lui. Florin vrea ca pe această fată să o găsească prin intermediul ziarului Libertatea.
De aceea, începând de azi, aşteptăm pe adresa redacţiei (str. Dimitrie Pompeiu, nr. 6, sector 2, Bucureşti, menţionând pe plic: Pentru Florin Salam) scrisorile dv. însoţite de dosarul medical care să ateste că suferiţi de ciroză hepatică. Toate dosarele primite vor fi evaluate de o comisie medicală din care fac parte specialişti ai Clinicii Puls. Apoi, cazurile care întrunesc condiţiile cerute de Florin Salam vor fi prezentate cântăreţului, care o va alege pe tânăra căreia îi vor fi donaţi banii.
De el vor fi coordonaţi medicii
Comisia de medici de la Clinica Puls este formată din dr. Dana Moraru, medic specialist gastrţnterolog, dr. Mirela Livadariu, medic primar de laborator, dr. Gabriela Marin, medic primar - imagistică medicală, şi va fi coordonată de Laurenţiu Luca (foto), doctor în ştiinţe medicale, medic primar în medicină internă şi director al clinicii.
Russell Crowe in Ridley Scott’s Robin Hood
Universal Pictures has released the first photo of Russell Crowe as the title character in Ridley Scott’s Robin Hood. Producer Brian Grazer tells USA Today that Robin Hood’s look has been completely updated: “He doesn’t have the old Robin Hood tights. He’s got armor. He’s very medieval. He looks, if anything, more like he did in Gladiator than anything we’re used to seeing with Robin Hood.” I like the new look a lot. What do you guys think?
Official Plot Synopsis: Crowe stars as the legendary figure known by generations as Robin Hood, whose exploits have endured in popular mythology and ignited the imagination of those who share his spirit of adventure and righteousness. In 13th century England, Robin and his band of marauders confront corruption in a local village and lead an uprising against the crown that will forever alter the balance of world power. And whether thief or hero, one man from humble beginnings will become an eternal symbol of freedom for his people.
The untitled Robin Hood adventure chronicles the life of an expert archer, previously interested only in self-preservation, from his service in King Richard’s army against the French. Upon Richard’s death, Robin travels to Nottingham, a town suffering from the corruption of a despotic sheriff and crippling taxation, where he falls for the spirited widow Lady Marion (Blanchett), a woman skeptical of the identity and motivations of this crusader from the forest. Hoping to earn the hand of Maid Marion and salvage the village, Robin assembles a gang whose lethal mercenary skills are matched only by its appetite for life. Together, they begin preying on the indulgent upper class to correct injustices under the sheriff.
With their country weakened from decades of war, embattled from the ineffective rule of the new king and vulnerable to insurgencies from within and threats from afar, Robin and his men heed a call to ever greater adventure. This unlikeliest of heroes and his allies set off to protect their country from slipping into bloody civil war and return glory to England once more.
The main cast has already been announced: Russell Crowe as Robin Hood, Cate Blanchett as Lady Marion, Vanessa Redgrave as Queen Eleanor, Mark Strong as Sir Godfrey, Oscar Issac as King John, Léa Seydoux as French Princess Isabella, William Hurt as Earl of Pembroke, William Marshall and the Merry Men: Scott Grimes as Will Scarlet, Kevin Durand as Little John, Alan Doyle as Allan Adayle.
Snakes on a Plane - The Television Edit
As you probably know, many films have been redubbed and reedited to be television safe for network and cable broadcast. In my opinion, the TBS version of Dumb and Dumber is almost unwatchable. /Film reader Mikey S sent over this 22-second screencapture of FX’s airing of the scene from Snakes on a Plane where Samuel L Jackson gets tired with the mother F—king Snakes on the Mother F—ing plane. Of course, FX’s version is completely ridiculous. Watch it for yourself after the jump.