sâmbătă, 11 aprilie 2009

Face vrăji pentru Gigi Becali

In ajutorul lui Gigi Becali, aflat in arestul Direcţiei de Cercetări Penale din Bucureşti, după ce şi-a trimis gărzile de corp să-i recupereze maşina furată şi să-i aducă pe hoţi in faţa lui, au sărit şi vrăjitoarele. Prezicătoarea Sultana, fiica Reginei Magiei Albe, Maria Câmpina, susţine că a “văzut” în cărţi că latifundiarul din Pipera va trece cu bine peste acest impas, însă necazurile finanţatorului Stelei nu se vor opri aici.

«Trei bărbaţi şi o femeie îi vor răul»

“Am tălmăcit cărţile cu fotografia dânsului în faţă şi am văzut că la mijloc este un lucru necurat. Trei bărbaţi şi o femeie îi vor răul”, ne-a declarat ieri prezicătoarea Sultana. Revoltată de decizia completului de judecată, fiica Mariei Câmpina îi prevede un viitor roz latifundiarului din Pipera. “Cu bucurie se va ridica după tot acest necaz în care a fost băgat pe nedrept. În cărţile de Tarot, care pe mine nu mă mint niciodată, mi s-a arătat, însă, şi un mare necaz”.

Mai mult, Sultana îl sfătuieşte pe Becali “să fie tare şi să nu cedeze, că dacă o să o facă, duşmanii vor profita de el. Să aibă încredere în Dumnezeu şi va fi bine”. Fiica Mariei Câmpina ne-a mai spus şi că, în curând, se vor strânge toate vrăjitoarele pentru a face un descânt foarte puternic pentru Gigi Becali.

Year One Re-Cut, Earns PG-13 Rating

year one

Yesterday we reported that the producer Judd Apatow and director/co-writer Harold Ramis had lost their appeal hearing for the biblical comedy Year One, which had been slapped with an R-Rating by the MPAA. I doubted at the time that Columbia Pictures would release the $75+ million comedy with an R-Rating, especially considering the fairly weak online buzz the film has garnered since the debut of the movie’s superbowl commercial.

The filmmakers re-cut the film, resubmitted to the MPAA, and the new cut was given a PG-13 rating “for crude and sexual content throughout, brief strong language and comic violence.” I’m sure the R-Rated cut, or an expanded unrated cut, will eventually end up on DVD/Blu-ray.

I have no inside information about the screenings, but many times with the MPAA, it all comes down to a specific shot/line, or even a few frames of film (as it did with Kevin Smith’s Zack and Miri). So I doubt the R-Rated cut and the PG-13 cut are THAT much different. It’s likely the difference of a few seconds of film.

joi, 9 aprilie 2009

Cool Stuff: LEGO Movie Theater

lego movie theater

Richardo M Oliv created a completely working 9-seat LEGO movie theater, complete with a working film projector. Of course, using the latest and greatest available LEGO technology means that the projector can only display a few frames a second. You can check out more photos of the creation on BrickShelf or check out a video of the projector in action, embedded after the jump.

Cool Stuff is a daily feature of slashfilm.com. Know of any geekarific creations or cool products which should be featured on Cool Stuff? E-Mail us at orfilms@gmail.com.

Terminator Salvation: Arnold Schwarzenegger Appearance Confirmed? Harvester Concept Art

harvester concept art terminator salvation

After much speculation, Terry Crews told MTV that Arnold Schwarzenegger will indeed be doing a cameo in Terminator Salvation. “That’s it,” he said. “And so am I.” Who knows if Crews actually knows what he’s talking about, as the actor admits that he doesn’t know what capacity Arnold is featured as the production only distributed pages of the film’s screenplay to the relevant players. It’s very possible that Crews just heard about the initial plans to include Arnold in the film.

Also, our friends at DVD Forum have sent us this concept art (seen above) for the big robot you’ve seen in the trailers, which is called The Harvester. Click on over the the DVD forum for the high resolution version of the art.