marți, 15 iulie 2008

poor children 2

he Simple Joy of the Poor Children

My friend, Poca, asked me to take some photos of his aging mother before she died, so he could have something to remember her by. As usual, I ended up taking some shots of the previous old man and his nephew (in the middle) and his friends happy to smile for the camera.
They don´t have much but they have their joy and sometimes I think that´s enough.
I´d rather spend my time with little children and old men, it seems. I´ve never felt my age and I seek the wisdom of the elders while trying to keep a child´s innocent view of the world...
Photo by João Paglione, Echaporã - BRAZIL.

Car Babes

Car Babes

Tuning cars is similar to rock and roll in which many guys get into it for the babes. Just like many girls love rock musicians, there are plenty of girls out there that are turned on by guys that work on and drive high performance cars. Car tuning almost guarantees attracting attention to your vehicle, whether through a flashy body kit or a cool sounding muffler, heads will definitely turn when you tune cars for fun. Did you ever notice that there is always a beautiful girl standing next to a high performance car- this is not a coincidence.

Sexy Car Babe

Exotic Cars

Exotic cars are the ultimate in tuned cars. These vehicles come straight out of the factory tuned to perfection. While we all can’t afford exotic cars, many car tuning hobbyists create their own. In fact, with the right tuning car parts, know- how and maintenance, you can easily surpass the performance of even the most expensive and rarest vehicles on the road.

Exotic Car - Pagani Zonda also recognizes that the vast majority of exotic cars are also a hot bed of innovative performance engineering. Most car tuners keep track of what many exotic car manufacturers are creating, which is why some of the best tuning car technology trickles down to the aftermarket companies and to car tuning enthusiasts usually in short period of time. Within a year or two or sometimes within a few short months, your stock car can enjoy some of the high performance perks that in the past only the most expensive and rarest vehicles enjoyed.

Car Maintenance

One thing is for sure, once you have created your ultimate tuned car, you will have to keep it well maintained to enjoy it. Just like any high tech machinery that operates in an extreme environment and under extreme forces, tuner cars must be well maintained not only to ensure high performance and power, but also for safety reasons. Car maintenance can include simple products for washing and waxing your car or heavy duty procedures that border on extreme modifications. While most car maintenance can be done by car tuning hobbyists, there are definitely situations where you want a professional to help out or provide specific services.

Car Maintenance can help you with information, resources and tips on many common types of car tuning maintenance, as well as less common procedures that car tuners are interested in.

Car Parts

When tuning cars, you will need at the minimum to make slight adjustments to your existing cars and preferably overhaul your vehicle with high tech, high performance car parts. In many instances, a simple car part can be the key to unlock your car’s power and achieve incredible power and performance. is perhaps your best resource for a variety of car tuning parts. For instance, you can easily increase the horsepower of your vehicle with the help of car tuning engine parts, high performance mufflers and new engine chip technology.

Car Parts

Traction is another important factor when tuning cars. All that separates your vehicle from the road is a few inches of tire rubber. High performance tires and wheels can make a huge difference not only on traction, but your vehicles response to the road. Additionally, other car tuning parts that are important to almost any car tuner includes braking systems, transmission parts, body modifications and dozens of other car tuning parts that working together helps an individual achieve ultimate performance. No matter what your budget, you can usually find great car tuning parts that can unlock your car’s potential.

Car Tires

Car tires are one of the most important parts of a well tuned car. Unfortunately, many car tuner hobbyists focus on more flashier and more prominent parts of the car. However, something as simple as a few good high performance tires on your vehicle can impact the performance of your car greatly. As stated above, the only thing that separates your car and the road at any given moment is a few square inches of rubber. Whether driving at high speeds, in the rain or even on snow, the quality and response of your vehicle depends a lot on its tires.

Car Tires has made it a priority to focus a lot of its attention on high performance tires built for maximum response, speed and safety. Whether you use your car to drive back and forth to work or take it to the track on the weekends, Tires & Wheels play an integral part.

Car Brands

With car tuning, you can start off with almost any brand of car. Whether it is a high performance exotic such as a Ferrari or economy class car brand such as Kia - rest assured you can achieve amazing results just by modifying a few parts of your vehicle. In fact, the majority of car tuners prefer economy and moderately priced cars such as the Honda Civic, Nissan Maxima, Toyota Matrix, Ford Focus, Chrysler 300 and many others.

Car Brands

What makes a car great for tuning? Well, for most car tuners, usually it a number of factors including a lightweight frame, an engine that can be modified easily and a vehicle manufacturer that embraces the tuning community and the aftermarket car part manufactures, allowing it and even offering valuable information to help tuners get the most out of the vehicles that a company creates.

Car Of The Future

Impress Your Date With A Car Of The Future


Want to impress your friends and possibly score a girlfriend? How about purchasing this sweet-ass "Fastlane" car of the future? You can "Buy It Now" on eBay for a cool $15,000. But before you push the button: It's not really a car. It's a shell designed to fit on top of a Pontiac Fiero. Which is not included in the auction. So, yeah. It was designed for Universal Pictures by concept car maker Trans FX for use in a movie or something. I know it can't actually go anywhere, but I still think I want it. I'll just use a flatbed trailer to tote it to the bar and then slide it off into a parking spot. Then I'll proceed to get some lucky lady extremely drunk and ask if she wants to see my fancy sports car from the future. Hopefully she won't notice there's not a goddamn thing inside and will still make out with me while we're sitting on the pavement inside. What, where's my sense? I'll throw a tarp down. I may even add a boombox for some makeout tunage.

Five more pictures after the jump, including one of what you'd see during a makeout session.

Continue Reading " Impress Your Date With A Car Of The Future "


Toaleta care se spala singura a costat 100.000 lei
Toaleta minunePeste cîteva zile, Primãria va pune în functiune, în Piata Primãriei, prima toaletã inteligentã din oraş, care dozeazã electronic toate cele necesare, de la hîrtia igienicã şi pînã la substantele dezinfectante, plus cã se spalã singurã dupã fiecare utilizare. Astfel de toalete existã în cele mai mari şi mai civilizate oraşe din lume şi a costat municipalitatea 100.000 lei, adicã aproape un miliard de lei vechi.

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Actele necesare pentru inscrierea la facultate

 Fie cã sînteti proaspãt absolventi de liceu, fie cã doriti sã mai faceti o facultate, trebuie sã ştiti ce acte vã sînt necesare pentru admitere. Universitatea de Stat din Piteşti şi Universitatea Constantin Brâncoveanu îşi aşteaptã viitorii studenti. În continuare vã prezentãm actele necesare înscrierii, precum şi ofertele educationale ale celor douã universitãti.

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Taximetristii pirati, sprijiniti chiar de colegi

TaximetristiSãptãmîna trecutã, reprezentantii Primãriei Piteşti au continuat controalele la activitatea de taximetrie, pentru îndepãrtarea piratilor din acest domeniu, însã rezultatele au fost cel putin surprinzãtoare. Deşi strigã de fiecare datã cînd au ocazia împotriva acelora care fac aceastã activitate fãrã acte,tocmai taximetriştii legali au fost cei ce i-au protejat pe cei gãsiti în neregulã.

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