marți, 2 noiembrie 2010

KVirc 4.0.1

KVIrc is a free portable IRC client based on the excellent Qt GUI toolkit. KVirc is being written by Szymon Stefanek and the KVIrc Development Team with the contribution of many IRC addicted developers around the world.

The first place to look at when you have a problem is the KVIrc mailing list.

If something goes wrong, or if you have a question, a suggestion, or are simply interested in KVIrc developement, you can join the KVIrc mailing list.

The developers follow the mailing list and will answer questions as soon as possible.

The official KVIrc support channel is located on the Freenode network and the channel is obviously named #KVIrc. The official Italian channel is on the Azzurra network.
You can also find some movement on the IRCNet network in the #KVIrc channel too :)

Bugs can be reported and viewed by using the KVIrc bugtrack.

For suggestions, news, corrections and whatever related with the website please drop an email to HelLViS69.

For any kind of help in graphics, translations, and documentation please contact etherea`.

luni, 1 noiembrie 2010

Ultimate Edition 2.8 | Ultimate Edition

What is Ultimate Edition 2.8? Ultimate Edition was built off Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat. All updates fully updated / upgraded. The software you have came to love with previous editions of Ultimate Edition have been also pre-installed along with 12 new ones. I must apologise at time of build Cinelerra & wine doors were currently broken and did not make the cut.

I also want to apologise for the delay and at the same time thank my admin for the delay of Ultimate Edition 2.8′s release. Many issues have been squashed in 2.8 because of the delay. I do want to give a shout out to JohnnyG. Many were cosmetic, he has a real eye for detail and breaking things down to a programmers level. Thanks again JohnnyG. Cowboy’s handiwork at the theme has won the poll and will be deemed “Cowboy Blue”. This is not the end of the thanks that need to be dropped simply the tip of the iceberg. I would be chatter boxing all day to give the kudos where they lie. No, I do not do everything. Don’t like the blue theme? There are 107 themes to choose from, it does not have to be dark.

I have included a now enhanced, color and font selectable Conky script I wrote that will generate as per computer. The results of running the Conky script can be seen at the right. This script will be in your home folder when installed (your choice to run it or not). The script is commented if you wish to learn.

Iarna vine pe 4 decembrie, cu zapada din belsug in toata tara!

Sunt mari sanse sa avem un Craciun alb, fie ca stam in sud, fie ca stam in nordul tarii. Meteorologii prognozeaza zapada in aproape toata Romania.

Povestea fulgilor de nea din aceasta iarna incepe din 4 decembrie, spun meteorologii, care mentioneaza ca ii vom avea din belsug in prima luna a anotimpului rece, chiar si in sudul tarii.

In prima parte a lui decembrie, temperaturile vor scadea mult, pe alocuri si pana la -15 grade. Astfel, specialistii spera ca stratul de zapada se va mentine pana la Craciun, mai ales ca intre timp ar putea sa mai ninga.

Zapada din abundenta este asteptata la munte, unde nu exista nici un dubiu: iubitorii sporturilor de iarna vor avea un sezon bun.

Cel mai frig va fi in ianuarie, cand in unele zone s-ar putea inregistra si -20 de grade, iar nametii vor crea probleme in nordul si centrul Romaniei.

Spre sfarsitul lunii februarie scapam de iarna, iar primavara isi va reintra repede in drepturi, cred meteorologii.

Cea mai periculoasă meserie: executant de cornere

Un fotbalist brazilian a simţit pe pielea lui cît de periculos este să execuţi o lovitură de la colţ. Jucătorul a fost atacat de un obsedat sexual.