miercuri, 3 noiembrie 2010

Nokia X2-01, un semi-smartphone de criza?

Nokia lanseaza telefoane de criza. Cel putin asa par sa graiasca pozele scapate pe Internet, care prezinta un asa-numit Nokia X2-01. Dispozitivul seamana cu Nokia C3 la design, dar are evident dotari si facilitati mai putine, care il plaseaza in afara sferei smartphone-urilor.

Astfel ca, Nokia X2-01 are la baza vechea platforma S40 in loc de Symbian, care nu poate rula aplicatii. Paradoxal insa, telefonul beneficiaza de o tastatura QWERTY, care seaman foarte mult cu cea a lui Nokia C3.

Alte caracteristici care il plaseaza sub linia smartphone-urilor sunt conectivitatea 2G si ecranul QVGA landscape de 2.44 inci.

Dispune totusi de port microSD, radio FM, Bluetooth si camera de 3MP. Niciun cuvant insa despre Wi-Fi.

Toate aceste specificatii ar putea fi insa numai niste zvonuri, dotarile oficiale ar putea fi diferite.

Deocamdata nu exista informatii despre pret si data de lansare. Dar, daca stam sa ne gandim ca Nokia C3 este deja destul de accesibil ca si pret, ne putem inchipui ca X2-01 va fi destul de ieftin.

Sursa: GSM Arena

Google recompenseaza hackerii care gasesc erori in aplicatiile web

Iata ca soarecele si pisica chiar pot colabora. Cel putin atunci cand rolul pisicii este jucat de catre Google, iar cel al soarecelui de catre hackeri.

Gigantul IT le ofera sansa hackerilor sa castige un ban cinstit, recompensandu-i pentru gasirea bug-urilor si a vulnerabilitatilor, in aplicatiile lor web.

Programul nu se adreseaza strict hacker-ilor, ci si vanatorilor de bug-uri. Vulnerabilitatile gasite pentru serviciile Gmail, Blogger si YouTube sunt rasplatite cu cel putin 500 de dolari, in vreme ce bug-urile calificate ca fiind “severe sau neobisnuit de ascunse” sunt recompensate cu putin peste 3000 de dolari.

Optional, hackerii pot directiona castigul catre fundatiile caritabile.

Pentru a asigura o functionare cat mai buna a serviciilor Web, Google exclude bug-urile cauzate de atacurile de tip DDoS (denial of service) si smecheriile de optimizare a cautarilor pe motoarele de cautare. Tehnologiile recent achizitionate de Google sunt de asemenea interzise.

Nu este pentru prima data cand Google implica publicul larg in identificarea bug-urilor. In ianuarie, compania a anuntat un program pe recompense pentru Chromium, proiectul open-source din spatele browser-ului Google Chrome, exemplu care a fost urmat si de cei de la Mozilla.

Extinderea programului si catre aplicatiile web vine ca o continuare logica si importanta pentru Google, in contextul lansarii sistemului de operare Chrome. Daca utilizatorii planuiesc sa incredinteze informatii din ce in ce mai importante serviciilor online, acestea trebuie sa fie securizate.

Pe viitor, Google ar putea extinde programul si la aplicatiile pentru client, cum ar fi Android, Picasa si Google Desktop.

Sursa: PC World

marți, 2 noiembrie 2010

KVirc 4.0.1

KVIrc is a free portable IRC client based on the excellent Qt GUI toolkit. KVirc is being written by Szymon Stefanek and the KVIrc Development Team with the contribution of many IRC addicted developers around the world.

The first place to look at when you have a problem is the KVIrc mailing list.

If something goes wrong, or if you have a question, a suggestion, or are simply interested in KVIrc developement, you can join the KVIrc mailing list.

The developers follow the mailing list and will answer questions as soon as possible.

The official KVIrc support channel is located on the Freenode network and the channel is obviously named #KVIrc. The official Italian channel is #KVIrc.net on the Azzurra network.
You can also find some movement on the IRCNet network in the #KVIrc channel too :)

Bugs can be reported and viewed by using the KVIrc bugtrack.

For suggestions, news, corrections and whatever related with the website please drop an email to HelLViS69.

For any kind of help in graphics, translations, and documentation please contact etherea`.

luni, 1 noiembrie 2010

Ultimate Edition 2.8 | Ultimate Edition

What is Ultimate Edition 2.8? Ultimate Edition was built off Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat. All updates fully updated / upgraded. The software you have came to love with previous editions of Ultimate Edition have been also pre-installed along with 12 new ones. I must apologise at time of build Cinelerra & wine doors were currently broken and did not make the cut.

I also want to apologise for the delay and at the same time thank my admin for the delay of Ultimate Edition 2.8′s release. Many issues have been squashed in 2.8 because of the delay. I do want to give a shout out to JohnnyG. Many were cosmetic, he has a real eye for detail and breaking things down to a programmers level. Thanks again JohnnyG. Cowboy’s handiwork at the theme has won the poll and will be deemed “Cowboy Blue”. This is not the end of the thanks that need to be dropped simply the tip of the iceberg. I would be chatter boxing all day to give the kudos where they lie. No, I do not do everything. Don’t like the blue theme? There are 107 themes to choose from, it does not have to be dark.

I have included a now enhanced, color and font selectable Conky script I wrote that will generate as per computer. The results of running the Conky script can be seen at the right. This script will be in your home folder when installed (your choice to run it or not). The script is commented if you wish to learn.