vineri, 15 august 2008

Andreea Antonescu, dereglata inainte de Callatis

Andreea Antonescu, dereglata inainte de Callatis

Cantareata nu isi poate reveni la programul de somn normal dupa ce a petrecut zece zile in Statele Unite

Andreea Antonescu a facut, pare-se, o adevarata fixatie pentru America, programandu-si de cativa ani buni vacantele numai peste Ocean. Pentru a incerca sa isi lamureasca obsesiile si in fata familiei, blonda a decis sa ii duca pe toti cei dragi in Statele Unite ca sa se convinga pe pielea lor ca destinatia merita intr-adevar rutina anuala a concediului.
Astfel, cantareata a petrecut zece zile la New York, Las Vegas si Los Angeles impreuna cu iubitul ei, Traian, cu mama si cu fratele ei, care au vazut pentru prima data America. La intoarcere, insa, vedeta s-a vazut nevoita, ca de fiecare data de altfel, sa treaca printr-un program de readaptare la fusul orar. Numai ca acum, lucrurile sunt putin mai complicate, ea fiind obligata sa isi revina cu somnul contracronometru, pentru ca sambata va aparea pe scena la Callatis. "Andreea a venit marti seara, dar de atunci doarme toata ziua si se trezeste pe inserat. S-a dereglat complet cu programul dupa vacanta din America, dar trebuie sa isi revina ca nu mai are decat doua zile la dispozitie", ne-a declarat o sursa din anturajul ei.

A mancat cu indienii la canion

Spre deosebire de vacantele trecute, blonda nu a petrecut prea mult timp la cumparaturi, fiind prima oara cand se intoarce practic cu mana goala de peste Ocean. Andreea nu a avut timp sa umble prin magazine, din cauza turului incarcat pe care chiar ea l-a gandit. Dornica sa arate familiei si iubitului toate minunatiile Americii, ea i-a dus la New York, apoi in Las Vegas, au facut o vizita de o zi la Marele Canion unde au mancat impreuna cu indienii din rezervatie, si apoi au plecat spre Los Angeles. "Nici macar la Disneyland nu au avut timp sa stea prea mult ca nu le permitea timpul. Andreea a vrut sa stea mai mult, dar trebuia sa vina la Festivalul de la Callatis. Oricum, e prima oara cand sta atat de putin", ne-a marturisit un apropiat al vedetei.

Alex, Deschide concertului Shaggy

Alex, in deschiderea concertului Shaggy

Madagascar 3 and Kung Fu Panda 2 film Nou !

DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg says that the computer animation studio is in talks for a Kung Fu Panda sequel, and plans to have at least one more Madagascar film, if not more. Katzenberg told reporters on Wednesday that they are currently having conversations about a possible Kung Fu Panda 2, and to expect an announcement in the next 30 to 60 days.

Panda was one of the last DreamWorks Animated films that will be released in 2D, but the studio did some 3D tests with sequences from the film in preparation of the company’s three dimensional future. Katzenberg told /Film a couple weeks back that directors John Stevenson and Mark Osbourne were so impressed with the tests, that they had very early discussions about the possibility of re-releasing the film in 3D. But who knows if that would still be a possibility with the release of a 3D sequel.

Katzenberg also said that Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa will probably spawn a sequel: “There is at least one more chapter. We ultimately want to see the characters make it back to New York.” But does anyone really care about a third Madagascar film? While I certainly understand the New York return story being a neat third act of the series, I’d much rather see a spin-off following the adventures of the penguins.

Fan Created Dark Knight Sequel Movie Poster

/Film readers Max B and David B have sent over this fan made poster for a possible sequel to The Dark Knight. Seems like the artist, like most everyone I have talked to, wants The Riddler to attack Gotham City in the next film. But yes, it is just a fan creation (If the question mark didn’t give it away). But the rest of the poster is well done. I doubt they would use the title The Dark Knight Returns unless it was an adaptation of the Frank Miller graphic novel. I have heard that the next film might employ the cape crusader’s on screen nickname “The Batman” in the title. “The Return of The Batman” anyone? Click on the image below to enlarge.